Post by Sarah on May 25, 2008 20:06:19 GMT -3
Is the only show with o/f this summer going to be in Grand Falls and the NEA?
Post by Becca on May 25, 2008 20:13:10 GMT -3
i dont even think the NEA is having any o/f fences shows unless they arent using the EC qualified shows or they fly in a coarse designer? but that is a good question!
i think theres a few barns planning to have some fun jumping shows as well.. not qualifying for anything now, but still is an o/f show at the leastt
Post by Sarah on May 25, 2008 20:16:36 GMT -3
Well I will be gone back to NB by the NEA anyways so I suppose that that doesn't really matter (for me anyways). But I would have liked to have done an o/f show this summer =( Do you know who's planning fun shows?
Post by teezernbreeze on May 25, 2008 20:53:54 GMT -3
so is grand falls going to have o/f i was hoping to jump for the first time this summer ..
Level 2
Posts: 488
Post by pony on May 25, 2008 21:15:43 GMT -3
we can have hunter and equitation but no jumper without a course designer
Post by happilyeverafter on May 25, 2008 22:05:20 GMT -3
who did course design before
Post by ruffian6 on May 26, 2008 2:34:46 GMT -3
What, when and where are the shows? There isn't anything on the NEA site...
Level 2
Posts: 488
Post by pony on May 26, 2008 7:35:55 GMT -3
There are new classes of shows this year, before any one did the course design, but not we need to hire a real course designer to make the course and be at the show the day of to set it.
So far the only dates that are for sure are June 7 Equestrian Insight Show for Dough, July 26/27 grandfalls, and Aug30, 31 NEA
Post by Sarah on May 26, 2008 7:40:34 GMT -3
I just meant classes with o/f, not jumper specifically. And I thought that Show for Dough didn't have any jumping in it?
Post by Emily C on May 26, 2008 8:31:56 GMT -3
IT doesn't, those are just the only shows confirmed for this year. The show seasons were so much better 5 years ago. Sad.
Post by happilyeverafter on May 26, 2008 10:13:25 GMT -3
oi vey. Things are so much more complicated now...
Level 2
Posts: 488
Post by pony on May 26, 2008 10:34:50 GMT -3
It's not really more complicated it is following the national rules. Everyone keeps saying they want to be like the rest of Canada and now we are!
Post by Sarah on May 26, 2008 10:44:08 GMT -3
Yes ... but we don't have nearly the same horse industry as the rest of Canada so there are hardly equal grounds for comparison. I mean the rest of Canada has shows every weekend whereas here you can show o/f twice a year.
Post by Becca on May 26, 2008 10:51:24 GMT -3
and they have coarse disigners nearby instead of having to fly on in making show fees threw the roof!
question: for the NEA are they going to have a jumper class in it or they not going to fly one in and just stick to the hunters? and what are the hieghts of the jump for the different devisions?
Level 2
Posts: 488
Post by pony on May 26, 2008 11:46:04 GMT -3
the nea is checking into all this stuff to see how we can make it affordable. Again this is the testing year to see if this new system of levels will work for equine canada. The maritimes are in the same boat as we are with all the changes. The provinces council of Equine Canada will be sure to give lots of feedback to the National commitee on if this works for places outside of ontario.