Taking back your heart and soul...
and finding your Spine
Adult WorkshopMarch 13
No experience needed
Come experience with the Herd
Cost $65
Includes: Hands on session,group discussion, refreshments
Location: Clovelly Stables Indoor Arena
This workshop aims to:
☯ Improve communication skills
☯ Enhance creativity and problem solving
☯ Get out of your head and think more clearly
☯ Gain insight
☯ Discover new patterns to get you unstuck
☯ Learn to approach emotions as messages
☯ Strengthen your intuition and confidence
☯ Improve your perception
☯ Find your authentic self
Equine Developed Interacting Tools (EDIT)
Horses can help us move forward in life in ways we have
not envisioned. Interacting with the horse on the ground
provides surprisingly powerful moments of self-discovery.
As the horses react to your most subtle body language
and emotions, they reflect back to you the attitudes and
behaviours that are present in all of your relationships.
With specially designed activities, you can begin to see
clearly how you are relating to yourself and others, both
consciously and unconsciously and how to move naturally
into new and more effective behaviours. All activities are
performed from the ground, no riding involved
Workshop delivered by Melanie Gray, Carded Judge,
Certified Coach, Advanced EAP and Partners in Process
Program Director
Please register by March 6. Contact