Post by Jacqueline Pike on Sept 4, 2008 21:10:09 GMT -3
what is the ladies and mens, and open jackpot classes?
Post by horse lover on Sept 6, 2008 22:46:45 GMT -3
in youth freestyle is it simple lead changes
Level 2
Posts: 488
Post by pony on Sept 7, 2008 13:33:45 GMT -3
ladies and mens is for adults who are not green as grass.
Youth freestyle must be flyings
Post by Becca on Sept 7, 2008 21:50:38 GMT -3
what is green as grass composed of?
Post by Danielle; on Sept 7, 2008 22:21:16 GMT -3
Green as Grass I believe is any age level. You can ride two handed, and it's the same as a reining pattern except donwgraded a little, instead of 4 spins, there are 2, and in general is not scored in the same level as a higher class would be. Stephanie posted a link to the green as grass pattern, so here it is: www.orha.on.ca/patterns/pattern_b.htm
Post by Becca on Sept 7, 2008 22:44:35 GMT -3
for lead changes, are simples allowed or do they have ot be flyings?
Post by Jess on Sept 8, 2008 6:25:03 GMT -3
Nope, no simples in reining.
Post by rodeo on Sept 8, 2008 6:32:00 GMT -3
Greenas Grass is normally for the horses that are just that. Green as grass.
Level 2
Posts: 488
Post by pony on Sept 8, 2008 7:19:13 GMT -3
Post by cindy on Sept 8, 2008 9:52:19 GMT -3
I am really glad to see a lead line class. None of the shows on the west coast had one. Which is really dissapointing for some young riders who work really hard and do not have an oppertunity to show. Good for you guys!!!!!! We should move East.
Post by chels on Sept 8, 2008 11:25:21 GMT -3
wow! not to throw this thread off topic, but the new clovelly website is awesome!
Level 1
Posts: 38
Post by M. on Sept 8, 2008 19:41:37 GMT -3
I don't do western, but that green as grass pattern looks pretty cool!!! Maybe I'll fool around with Connor ;D Change the spins to turns on the forhand, and the large and fast, and small and slow canter circles, to collected and extended, lol!
Post by Anstey on Sept 11, 2008 14:45:24 GMT -3
Hey, i'm down for this, if you don't do the drainage class i'll definitly go in the green as grass!
Post by Jacqueline Pike on Sept 14, 2008 18:29:02 GMT -3
who is in the green as grass youth and youth freestyle
Level 2
Posts: 488
Post by pony on Sept 30, 2008 20:21:09 GMT -3
see you the weekend